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Property management

Group ROSTEK in its development activities provides full service property management during the operational phase of the marketing and rental, engineering and reference to the financial reporting and accounting.

The main task of management companies is to organize such a level of service objects, which allows the owner to optimize the management costs and maintain the momentum of growth in the value of assets over the life of the property, while maintaining the level of service and a high degree of satisfaction of tenants.

We're now watching the preservation of a unified concept of business centers after the date of space for rent.

Our specialists know all the technical details of each building and provide a prompt and effective resolution of all issues arising from the tenants.

We try to work "in advance" and constantly expanding range of services, accurately guessing demand.

In addition to performing tasks of building maintenance, maintenance neighborhood and maintenance of engineering systems at the facilities management companies offer clients the following services:

  • Outsourcing of accounting;
  • legal support;
  • professional cleaning;
  • advertising (stands, displays, poster);
  • organization of corporate power;
  • organization of corporate vehicles;
  • organization of waste management;

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